
Summer fun

Alex is stuck in DC for the better part of July & August- so I have been back and forth quite a bit between home and the grandparents houses. His new social schedule keeping us on our toes! Here are a few pictures of fun with the grandparents...
Aunt Gina even came in this weekend to play!

We've got a climber!

Aidan is taking after Alex & climbing on everything! He has figured out how to climb up on our big sofa, the bench that borders the back porch & our footstool, just about anything that is available! He loves to find boxes or turn over laundry baskets & stand on them like he is king of the world!

(thankfully he is very conscience of his surroundings & is pretty cautious when up on things. He handles stairs very well & don't have to worry too much of him falling head first off of whatever he's climbed up on!)

the garden

My garden is treating us well so far! The cucumber & zucchini are going crazy! Still waiting on the tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, broccoli & cauliflower though!

Mohawk maniac!

Aidan has had quite a few wild spurts recently. Although it is super fun to watch him having such a good time, it usually means he is overtired & things will not end well come bedtime! This is what happens to the house when he lets loose...

His hair is finally starting to fill in a little bit! It's getting long enough to spike up after a bath! He is also getting lots of curls coming in in the back! Can't wait till he has a nice thick head of curly hair!


Aidan loves that we have an apple tree in the back yard! The apples aren't very big & aren't near ripe, but he still tries to eat them anyway. He will almost always have at least one in his hands while tooling around the yard. The tree really needs to be pruned so the branches hang real low. Right at the perfect height for little fingers to grab! This is actually a good thing! Otherwise he'd be eating the rotten ones off the ground!

I don't have any pictures- but he also loves to munch on whole cucumbers fresh from the garden! I have to be sure to keep them out of his reach after I pick them or I end up with little bites out of most of them!


Swim Class!

Aidan started swim class tonight! He LOVES the water so we thought that he should learn the basics early! Alex is going to be gone the next few weeks so he got to do the first class while he was here! It was a lot of fun to see them enjoying class! Aidan was the only kid that didn't freak out, he was quite the opposite! Laughing and squealing the whole time!


Smithville is a cute little touristy spot with lots of shops & boutiques! We went this past weekend while waiting for Grammy & Poppy to get here! When I saw the sign for 'Smithville Zoo' I was very excited! Unfortunately it was just a toy shop (not that Aidan cared though!) They had a nice little pet shop with all its rhinestone studded collars & what-nots! But they had these 2 four week old kittens that they were giving away for free (they were even giving food, litter, litter box, and carrier!) These cats were SO cute and tiny that we were actually considering taking them with us! But thankfully reason won out and we decided that it would just be too much work, especially since Alex will be gone most of the next 2 months!

We did however ride the train and carousal! Although he kept a very serious face the whole ride, he LOVED the carousal! When it stopped he didn't want to get off & tried to make it keep going by bouncing up and down! He was getting really tired by the time we rode the train, and although he didn't throw a fit or anything, he didn't seem like he cared one way or the other about it.
Mom, Dad & Luke came down for the weekend. We had lots of yard work & dad brought his chainsaw! The holly tree, although a very nice tree, is GONE! No more prickly leaves all over the yard! And Aidan's poor little feet will finally be smooth again- even if they'll always be covered in dirt! Alex is also in the process of getting the sprinkler system back up and running. And by the looks of it it has not been used in years! Dad and Aidan had fun playing in the water!


playing with fridge pieces

While watching me sweep the kitchen Aidan figured out that the molding to the fridge is not attached! And now one of his favorite things to is carry it around the house, usually talking up a storm.

patroling the bike path

We took the bikes out this afternoon on one of the bike baths near us. We just got this trailer for Aidan the other week & I've been really enjoying taking him around the neighborhoods! So far he has been a really good passenger too!
Today he would not go down for a nap, no matter how hard I tried! And apparently the smooth vibrations put him right to sleep, because he slept for 7 of the 8 miles we rode! I only wish we could have reclined his seat for him or something! He looks so uncomfortable!

best buddies!

My roomate from college has a little boy, Conor, who is 5 months old! I love being back on the East Coast to be able to see my friends & their kids!

Conor was Baptized the other weekend & we made the trip up to Staten Island for it! It was a nice, although full, ceremony. They Baptized 10 kids! That's a lot of babies! But everything went smoothly & they had a nice BBQ afterward. Aidan was addicted to the pool, but neither Alex or I had our suits so he had to settle for just dipping his toes (well I dipped a bit too far so he was wet up to his shorts!) The house it was as is definitely a grandma's house who has lots of grand kids! There were tons of toys & Aidan had a blast!

We can't wait till Conor is a bit bigger & can play too!